Benefits of Holistic Services

Chakras are an ancient concept originating from Indian spiritual and metaphysical traditions, particularly within Hinduism and later adopted by other belief systems such as Buddhism and New Age spirituality. Chakras are often described as energy centers within the human body that are associated with different aspects of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The word "chakra" itself means "wheel" or "circle" in Sanskrit, which reflects the idea of these energy centres being vortex-like or spinning wheels of energy.

There are typically seven main chakras, each positioned along the spine, from the base to the top of the head. Here is a brief overview of each chakra, along with its associated attributes:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is associated with feelings of security, survival, and basic needs. It is often depicted as red and governs physical health and stability.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Positioned just below the navel, this chakra is linked to creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being. It is associated with the colour orange.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Located in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus chakra relates to personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. It is typically represented by the colour yellow.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Positioned in the centre of the chest, the heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. It is symbolized by the colour green.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat, this chakra is linked to communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak one's truth. The throat chakra is often depicted as blue.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned in the middle of the forehead, slightly above and between the eyes, the third eye chakra is associated with intuition, perception, and inner wisdom. Its colour is usually indigo.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra represents spiritual connection, consciousness, and enlightenment. It is symbolized by the colour violet or white.

The belief is that when these Chakras are balanced and aligned, energy flows freely through the body, promoting physical and emotional health. However, imbalances in the chakras are thought to lead to physical or emotional distress.

Chakras are energy centers in the body, according to certain spiritual and esoteric traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. These energy centers are believed to be responsible for various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When a Chakra is underactive, it means that it is not functioning at its optimal level, and this can manifest in various physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms. Here are the symptoms associated with underactive Chakras for each of the seven main chakras:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Physical symptoms: Fatigue, low energy levels, frequent illness, lower back pain, digestive issues, and problems with the legs, feet, or lower body.
    Emotional symptoms: Anxiety, insecurity, fear, restlessness, and a lack of a sense of belonging or stability.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Physical symptoms: Reproductive system issues, menstrual irregularities or pain, lower abdominal discomfort, and lower back pain.
    Emotional symptoms: Low creativity, difficulty in expressing emotions, a lack of passion or desire, and difficulties in forming intimate relationships.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Physical symptoms: Digestive problems, stomach ulcers, weight issues (either overeating or undereating), and frequent fatigue.
    Emotional symptoms: Low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, feelings of powerlessness, and difficulty in making decisions.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Physical symptoms: Heart and lung issues, high blood pressure, circulation problems, and immune system disorders.
    Emotional symptoms: Difficulty in giving and receiving love, feelings of isolation, a sense of emotional coldness, and an inability to forgive or let go of past hurts.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Physical symptoms: Sore throat, neck pain, thyroid problems, and difficulty in communicating effectively.
    Emotional symptoms: Fear of speaking up, inability to express oneself clearly, and feeling unheard or misunderstood.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Physical symptoms: Headaches, migraines, vision problems, and difficulty concentrating.
    Emotional symptoms: Lack of clarity, confusion, inability to trust intuition, and feeling disconnected from higher wisdom.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Physical symptoms: Neurological disorders, depression, and chronic exhaustion.
    Emotional symptoms: Feelings of disconnection from the divine or higher self, a lack of purpose or direction in life, and spiritual emptiness.

It's important to note that the concept of chakras and their underactivity is primarily rooted in spiritual and holistic belief systems. If you believe you are experiencing issues related to your chakras, it may be helpful to consult with a qualified energy healer, holistic practitioner, or therapist who specialises in Chakra balancing and energy work to address and balance these energy centers.

The concept of chakras comes from ancient Indian spiritual traditions and is associated with the idea of energy centers in the body. When chakras are said to be overactive, it means that they are excessively active or imbalanced, which can lead to various physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms. Keep in mind that the concept of chakras is not scientifically proven, and these symptoms are based on holistic and alternative healing beliefs. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Here are some common symptoms associated with overactive chakras:

  1. Physical Symptoms: Insomnia or disturbed sleep patterns
    Digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    Fatigue or restlessness
    Frequent headaches or migraines
    Increased heart rate or palpitations
    Hormonal imbalances
  2. Emotional and Psychological Symptoms: Anxiety or excessive worry
    Irritability and mood swings
    Feeling overwhelmed or restless
    Difficulty concentrating
    Obsessive behavior or thought patterns
    Heightened sensitivity to emotions
  3. Behavioral Symptoms: Impulsiveness
    Overindulgence in certain activities (e.g., overeating, excessive shopping)
    Difficulty setting boundaries
    Overworking or constant busyness
  4. Relationship Issues: Difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships due to emotional instability
    Codependent behavior or difficulty being alone
    Overly controlling or possessive behavior
  5. Spiritual Symptoms: Heightened psychic or intuitive experiences
    Feeling disconnected from one's body or reality
    A sense of spiritual overwhelm or confusion
    A tendency to become too absorbed in spiritual practices, neglecting other aspects of life

It's important to note that symptoms associated with overactive Chakras can vary depending on which specific chakra is believed to be overactive. There are seven main chakras, each associated with different aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Identifying which chakra is overactive, can help you focus on balancing that specific energy center through meditation, energy work, or other holistic practices.

Scientific research findings may help us to understand how Reiki healing works

There is much to learn and more research is necessary before a definitive explanation can be given, but research is producing very interesting results:

• When giving Reiki, practitioners have been shown to emit electro-magnetic or bio-magnetic energy from their hands. The frequencies of the energy emitted vary from one moment to the next; but many appear to correspond to those that medical researchers have identified as being the optimum frequencies for stimulating the healing process in tissues, bones and other body parts so far investigated.

• The bio-magnetic energy (or field) flowing from a practitioner’s hands has been shown to induce current flows in the tissues and cells of individuals who are in close proximity but this pulsing energy is not produced by non-practitioners of energy healing techniques.

Two ways in which these pulsing magnetic fields may stimulate repair of bone and other tissues include:

• A cascade of reactions takes place from the cell surface to the cytoplasm and on to the nucleus and genes, where selective effects on the DNA have been documented.

• A phenomenon called amplification, in which a single hormone molecule, neurotransmitter or photon of electromagnetic energy has been shown to trigger a cellular response; and in fact very tiny fields have been shown to produce the best effects, suggesting that living tissues are much more sensitive to external fields than previously considered possible.

NB: A bio-magnetic field can also be created by passing electric currents through living tissue as has been used for medical diagnoses and treatments for almost a century for example in ECG & MRI scanning.

Reiki is often referred to as an intelligent form of healing. It is suggested that this and similar energy therapies may be valuable in the prevention and remission of some serious diseases that are so costly in terms of human suffering and likely to be more expensive to health care in the future.

Reiki's subtle energy can be seamlessly tailored to suit a wide range of medical conditions, making it a safe choice for individuals of all age groups, including expectant mothers, infants, individuals undergoing surgery, those with fragile health, and the elderly, across various circumstances.

As a complementary therapy, Reiki harmoniously complements conventional medical care and natural remedies, broadening the spectrum of available treatment options and enhancing overall healthcare possibilities.

Reiki Principles and Practices:

1. Universal Life Energy: Reiki is based on the belief that there is a universal life energy that flows through all living things. Practitioners channel this energy to promote healing and balance within the recipient.

2. Hands-On/Hands-Off Healing: Reiki practitioners use their hands to transmit this healing energy to the recipient. They typically place their hands on or near specific areas of the recipient's body.

3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Reiki sessions often induce deep relaxation and reduce stress, which can support the body's natural ability to heal itself.

4. Chakras and Energy Centers: Reiki practitioners may focus on the body's energy centers, known as chakras, to clear blockages and restore energy flow. There are seven major chakras, each associated with specific aspects of physical and emotional health.

5. Complementary Approach: Reiki is considered a complementary therapy, meaning it can be used alongside conventional medical treatments and natural remedies. It is not a substitute for professional medical care.

6. Adaptability: Reiki is safe and adaptable for people of all ages and conditions, including pregnant individuals, newborns, surgical patients, the elderly, and anyone seeking to enhance their overall well-being.

7. Self-Healing: Reiki can also be practiced on oneself, allowing individuals to tap into the healing energy for self-care and self-improvement.

8. Holistic Approach: Reiki considers the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of an individual, aiming to promote balance in all areas of life.

9. Energy Flow: Reiki practitioners believe that disruptions in the body's energy flow can lead to physical or emotional imbalances. Reiki seeks to restore this flow, supporting the body's natural healing processes.

Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments and is known for its relaxing and stress-reducing effects. When considering Reiki in the context of the LGBT community, there are a few key points to consider:

  1. Inclusivity: I aim to provide my services in an inclusive and non-discriminatory manner. I welcome clients from all backgrounds, including those who identify as LGBT. I create a safe and supportive environment for all clients.
  2. Respect for Identity: I respect and honor each client's gender identity, sexual orientation, and personal beliefs. This includes using preferred names and pronouns and avoiding assumptions about a client's identity.
  3. Confidentiality: Like with any form of healing or therapeutic practice, confidentiality is crucial. Clients from the LGBT community may have unique concerns or experiences related to their identity, and I maintain strict confidentiality.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: I am aware of the cultural and social aspects of the LGBT community to provide sensitive and understanding care. This includes understanding the potential impact of discrimination, stigma, and mental health issues that some LGBT individuals may face.
  5. Informed Consent: Before a Reiki session, I provide clear information about what you the client can expect during the session, including physical touch, if any. Clients should provide informed consent for the treatment.
  6. Safe and Inclusive Spaces: Many LGBT individuals may feel more comfortable seeking Reiki sessions in spaces that explicitly market themselves as LGBT-friendly or affirming.
  7. Personal Growth and Healing: Reiki can be a valuable tool for personal growth and healing, and it may be particularly helpful for individuals within the LGBT community who are navigating issues related to self-acceptance, trauma, or stress. It can provide a sense of relaxation, balance, and emotional support.

It's important to note that Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and should not replace medical or psychological treatment when needed. People from all walks of life, including those who identify as LGBT, can explore Reiki as a way to promote well-being and self-care, but it should be approached as part of a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Angel Healing Therapy, also known as Angelic Healing or Angel Therapy, is a holistic healing approach that involves connecting with and channeling the energy of Angels for emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. While the effectiveness of Angel Healing Therapy may vary from person to person, proponents believe it offers several potential benefits:

  1. Emotional Healing: Angel Healing Therapy can help individuals cope with and heal from emotional wounds, such as trauma, grief, anxiety, and depression. It provides a sense of comfort, support, and love, which can be particularly helpful during difficult times.
  2. Stress Reduction: Practicing Angel Healing techniques can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. This may lead to improved overall mental and emotional health, as chronic stress can contribute to various health issues.
  3. Spiritual Growth: Angel Healing therapy is often associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. It encourages individuals to explore their spiritual beliefs and connections to higher realms, fostering a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
  4. Physical Healing: While Angel Healing therapy primarily focuses on emotional and spiritual well-being, some proponents believe it can complement conventional medical treatments. It is said to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical health.
  5. Enhanced Intuition: Practitioners of Angel Healing often report heightened intuition and a stronger connection to their inner wisdom. This can help individuals make better decisions and navigate life's challenges more effectively.
  6. Improved Relationships: Angel Healing Therapy can assist individuals in resolving conflicts, improving communication, and fostering more harmonious relationships. Addressing emotional and energetic imbalances, it may lead to healthier connections with others.
  7. Increased Positivity: The practice of Angel Healing can promote a more positive outlook on life, encouraging individuals to focus on gratitude, hope, and optimism. This shift in mindset can have a profound impact on overall well-being.
  8. Self-Care: Engaging in Angel Healing therapy often involves self-care practices, such as meditation, visualization, and energy work. These techniques can empower individuals to take better care of themselves and prioritize their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Here are some of the benefits attributed to Angelic Reiki:

  1. Holistic Healing: Angelic Reiki aims to heal on multiple levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. The combined energies of Reiki and angels can address imbalances across all these aspects.
  2. Divine Guidance: Individuals often describe feeling a deeper connection to Angelic beings during Angelic Reiki sessions, which can provide profound insights, guidance, and a sense of protection.
  3. High Vibrational Energy: Angelic Reiki channels higher vibrational energies compared to traditional Reiki, facilitating a more intense and potentially transformative healing experience.
  4. Emotional Release: The Angelic presence helps individuals release deep-seated emotional imbalances, leading to emotional healing and relief from stress, anxiety, and past traumas.
  5. Chakra Balancing: Angelic Reiki focuses on clearing, balancing, and activating the chakras, the energy centers in the body, promoting physical and energetic well-being.
  6. Self-Discovery: Individuals often report increased self-awareness and spiritual growth as they receive Angelic energies, leading to a deeper understanding of their life's purpose and journey.
  7. Intuitive Abilities: Some individuals find that practicing Angelic Reiki enhances their intuitive and psychic abilities, allowing them to connect more profoundly with their inner wisdom.
  8. Non-Invasive Healing: Angelic Reiki is considered non-invasive, making it suitable for individuals who may be sensitive to touch or hesitant about traditional hands-on healing.
  9. Support for Physical Healing: While not a substitute for medical treatment, Angelic Reiki complements medical care by promoting relaxation, reducing pain perception, and supporting the body's natural healing processes.
  10. Personal Transformation: The practice of Angelic Reiki can lead to personal transformation, helping individuals let go of limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviours that no longer serve them.

Benefits attributed to Crystal Restorative Therapy include:

  1. Energy Balancing: Crystals are believed to help balance the body's energy flow, addressing energetic imbalances that may lead to physical or emotional discomfort.
  2. Stress Reduction: Crystals are thought to have calming properties that can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation.
  3. Emotional Healing: Different Crystals are associated with different emotions and intentions. I use them to help release emotional blockages, support healing from past traumas, and promote emotional well-being.
  4. Chakra Alignment: Crystals can be used to align and balance the body's chakras, promoting optimal energy flow throughout the body.
  5. Pain Management: Certain Crystals have pain-relieving properties that can complement conventional pain management techniques.
  6. Spiritual Growth: I believe that working with crystals can aid in spiritual exploration, meditation, and personal growth.
  7. Enhanced Intuition: Crystals can be used to enhance intuitive abilities and strengthen connection with inner selves.
  8. Aura Cleansing: Crystals can assist in clearing and cleansing the aura, the energy field surrounding the body.
  9. Better Sleep: Specific crystals are often recommended for improving sleep quality and addressing sleep-related issues

Benefits of Mediumship Readings include:

  1. Closure and Healing: Mediumship readings can offer a sense of closure by allowing individuals to communicate with loved ones who have passed away. This can facilitate healing, resolve unresolved emotions, and provide comfort.
  2. Validation: Mediums often provide specific details or messages that only the deceased person and the recipient would know, offering validation that the communication is genuine and from the intended individual.
  3. Guidance and Insight: Mediums may convey messages of guidance, wisdom, and insight from the spirit realm. This can help recipients make decisions, gain perspective on life situations, and receive spiritual advice.
  4. Emotional Support: Losing a loved one can be emotionally challenging. Mediumship readings can provide a sense of support, knowing that the loved one is still present in some form and watching over them.
  5. Spiritual Beliefs: Mediumship readings can reinforce or deepen an individual's spiritual beliefs by demonstrating the existence of an afterlife or a connection between the physical and spiritual realms.
  6. Healing from Grief: Connecting with departed loved ones through a medium can aid in the grieving process and ease the pain of loss, fostering a sense of connection beyond physical death.
  7. Personal Transformation: Mediumship readings may inspire personal growth and transformation as individuals receive insights and messages that encourage them to live more authentically and purposefully.
  8. Closure on Unresolved Issues: Messages conveyed during a reading might address unresolved issues or unfinished conversations, allowing participants to find closure on these matters.

Benefits of Psychic Readings include:

  1. Insight and Clarity: Psychic readings offer insights into personal situations, helping individuals gain a clearer understanding of their current circumstances and potential paths ahead.
  2. Decision Making: Psychics provide guidance to help individuals make informed decisions, offering perspectives that they might not have considered on their own.
  3. Validation: Psychic readings offer validation and confirmation of feelings, experiences, or intuitions that individuals may have been uncertain about.
  4. Spiritual Exploration: Psychic Readings delve into spiritual matters, providing insights into a person's spiritual journey, life purpose, or connection to higher consciousness.
  5. Closure: Psychic Readings provide closure by addressing unresolved questions or issues.
  6. Emotional Healing: Receiving information or messages through a Psychic Reading can lead to emotional healing and release of pent-up emotions.
  7. Self-Awareness: Psychic insights encourages self-awareness and introspection, helping individuals understand their strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth.
  8. Validation of Intuition: Psychic Readings can confirm or enhance your trust in your own intuition, encouraging you to rely on your inner guidance more effectively.
  9. Exploring Possibilities: Psychic Readings can present potential outcomes and possibilities that you might not have considered, expanding you view of what's achievable.

Benefits of Reiki include:

  1. Stress Reduction: Reiki promotes deep relaxation, helping to reduce stress and tension in the body and mind.
  2. Energy Balancing: Reiki aims to balance the body's energy flow, addressing imbalances that can lead to physical or emotional discomfort.
  3. Pain Management: Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy for pain relief, helping to alleviate discomfort and promote the body's natural healing processes.
  4. Emotional Healing: Reiki can help release emotional imbalances and promote emotional healing, supporting individuals in dealing with trauma, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.
  5. Improved Sleep: Many people report improved sleep quality after receiving Reiki, as it encourages relaxation and reduces anxiety.
  6. Enhanced Well-Being: Reiki can enhance overall well-being by promoting a sense of calm, inner peace, and connection to one's higher self.
  7. Support for Healing: Reiki can complement conventional medical treatments by promoting relaxation and assisting the body in its healing process.
  8. Spiritual Growth: Reiki can enhances your spiritual journey, helping you to connect with their higher consciousness and inner wisdom.
  9. Mind-Body Connection: Reiki encourages you to become more attuned to your own body and emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection.
  10. Holistic Approach: Reiki treats the whole person rather than just specific symptoms, addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects simultaneously.
  1. Convenience: Distant Healing allows individuals to receive healing energy or intention from a practitioner without the need for physical proximity. This can be especially beneficial for people who are unable to travel or visit a healer in person due to physical limitations, distance, or other constraints.
  2. Accessibility: Distant Healing makes energy healing and complementary therapies more accessible to a broader audience, including those who may not have access to local practitioners.
  3. Comfort: Some individuals may feel more at ease and relaxed in their familiar environment, which can enhance the effectiveness of the healing process.
  4. Reduced Stress: Distant Healing can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can have a positive impact on overall well-being. Stress reduction is often associated with improved physical and mental health.
  5. Pain Management: It has been reported that relief from physical pain or discomfort after receiving Distant Healing sessions. it can complement conventional pain management approaches.
  6. Emotional Support: Distant Healing can provide emotional support, helping individuals cope with difficult emotions, anxiety, and depression. It may also promote a sense of inner peace and balance.
  7. Enhanced Energy Flow: Practitioners of Distant Healing often work with the recipient's energy field, chakras, or aura, aiming to balance and optimize energy flow. This can lead to increased vitality and a sense of well-being.
  8. Spiritual Growth: Distant healing may contribute to an individual's spiritual journey and personal growth by fostering a deeper connection to one's inner self and a sense of purpose.
  9. Complementary to Conventional Medicine: Distant Healing is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments. It can support the body's natural healing processes and help individuals cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of illness.
  10. Holistic Approach: Distant Healing takes a holistic approach to health and wellness, considering the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual.
  11. Distant healing should not be used as a sole replacement for medical treatment when it is needed. If you are considering distant healing, maintain open communication with your healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

Cords and Hooks refer to energetic attachments that form between individuals, often as a result of emotional or spiritual connections. These connections can be healthy or unhealthy, with cords representing ties to people, situations, or experiences, and hooks serving as energy-draining connections that can lead to emotional and spiritual imbalances.

Effects of Cords and Hooks: Cords and hooks can significantly impact an individual's life, often leading to emotional turmoil, energy drain, and a sense of being tied to the past. These energetic connections may contribute to feelings of unease, attachment to unhealthy relationships or situations, and a lack of personal freedom. Releasing these attachments can lead to a sense of emotional and spiritual liberation.

Disconnection from Past Masters (Including Past Lives):

Disconnection from Past Masters involves severing energetic connections to influential figures or spiritual guides from past lives or even from this current lifetime. These connections may result in undue influence, confusion, or a feeling of being tethered to the past, hindering personal growth and self-discovery.

Effects of Disconnection from Past Masters: Disconnection from Past Masters, whether from past lives or current life influences, can have a profound impact on an individual's ability to make independent choices and lead a fulfilling life. These connections may hinder personal growth, create barriers to self-discovery, and limit one's potential for spiritual and emotional advancement.

I've outlined the details of the sessions, including timing, to make your experience as convenient as possible.

My Cord Cutting, Hook Removal, and Disconnection from Past Masters service is divided into three parts to provide you with a transformative healing experience.