Mediumship Readings

Mediumship Readings

The curtain goes up on Mediumship Readings in the sacred theatre of Oshun Healing. This is an amazing event that connects the worlds of the living and the passed over. As a link between these worlds, I stand at the doorway, ready to help start a conversation that goes beyond the real world. Through the fine-tuning of my heightened psychic abilities, I listen to the subtle frequencies of departed loved ones, kind Spirit Guides and Ancestors, allowing their voices to come through the veil.

This conversation is a symphony of love, knowledge, and connection. It shows how strong bonds can last even after someone passes. As I bring you messages, insights, and gifts from the spirit world, you are held in their warm embrace. These readings give people who have moved onto a new journey a chance to find peace, comfort, and a renewed sense of connection with those they have lost. In this holy communion, the unseen threads that make up our lives are brought to light, telling us that love and connection are not limited by time or space.

Mediumship readings involve a person, known as a medium, who acts as a channel between the physical world and the spirit realm. The Medium can communicate with passed over individuals and convey messages, insights, or guidance from them to those seeking a reading. These readings are conducted to provide comfort, closure, guidance, or validation to individuals who are looking to connect with departed loved ones or receive spiritual insights.

1 hour

Igniting Paths of Light and Spirit

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